Tag: Exchanged Life

Christ the Vine Message #1 “Christ the True Vine” Ed Miller, July 20, 2024

Listen to the audio above while following along in the transcript below which is also available for download from www.biblestudyministriesinc.com Welcome and Prayer I want to remind you of a principle that is absolutely indispensable, and that principle is total reliance upon God’s Holy Spirit.  How we do praise the Lord for the Bible and… Read more »

The Exchanged Life Message #3 “Paul” Ed Miller

Listen to the audio above while following along in the transcript below which is also available for download at www.biblestudyministriesinc.com WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER Good evening, brothers, and I trust you had a good day in union with the Lord.  As we come again this evening to look at His precious word, once again there’s… Read more »

LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY SERIES – Message #1 Introduction “What God Recognizes As Prayer” Ed Miller July 2023

Listen to the audio above while following along in the transcript below which is also available for download at www.biblestudyministriesinc.com Welcome and Opening Prayer As we come to look in the word of God, there’s a principle of Bible study that is absolutely indispensable, and that is total reliance on God’s Holy Spirit.  It’s His… Read more »

1 Peter Message #12 “Christian Slaves to Master” Ed Miller, May 4, 2022

Listen to audio above while reading transcript below (also available in Word document at www.biblestudyministriesinc.com) We welcome you again to our meditation on the Lord Jesus in the book of 1 Peter.  I’d like to share, before we pray, Psalm 26:12, and you remember that we’re studying this very humanly impossible principle, willingness to be… Read more »

Exodus Message #50 Ed Miller Dec. 15, 2021 The Day of Atonement

Listen to audio above while reading transcript below, which is also available for download in Word from www.biblestudyministriesinc.com There’s a verse I’d like to share with you.  Every year I ask the Lord for a verse for the year for me.  I do believe this will be my year verse for this year, and it’s… Read more »

Exodus Message #34 Ed Miller May 5, 2021 Victory in Amalek Conclusion

Listen to audio above while reading transcript below (available for download in Word at www.biblestudyministriesinc.com)… Lord, we just ask that You guide our meditation and our fellowship and unfold Christ from Your word.  Thank You for every part of the Bible.  Now thank You for Exodus and the balance of scripture concerning the things in… Read more »

Exodus Message #26 Ed Miller March 10, 2021 Parting of the Red Sea Part 2

(To download audio above or transcript below please go to biblestudyministriesinc.com ) As we come once again to look in God’s word I remind my heart and yours that there is a principle of Bible Study that is absolutely indispensable and that is total reliance on God’s Holy Spirit.  Only God can reveal God, and… Read more »

Exodus Message #20 Ed Miller Jan. 27, 2021

The Feast of Unleavened Bread Follow Along Below With Full Transcript…. As you recall last week my grandson Jonathan led us in a little chorus, and I thought there is a wonderful chorus that goes along with today’s study, and he has agreed to do it again.  I’m going to have Jonathan sing it through… Read more »

Exodus Message #17 Ed Miller Dec. 16, 2020

The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart Listen to audio above while following along with transcript below (available in Word from www.biblestudyministriesinc.com) Welcome to our little study of our Lord Jesus in the book of Exodus.  Since we’re studying God’s war against idolatry, illustrated by the ten plagues, I want to begin with this passage, 2 Corinthians… Read more »

Exodus Message #16 Ed Miller Dec. 9, 2020

Ninth Plague – the locust and the darkness As we come to God’s word there’s a principle of Bible study that’s absolutely indispensable, and that is total reliance on God’s Holy Spirit.  This morning we’ll be looking finally at the end at the ninth plague of darkness, on Psalm 18:28, “For you light my lamp;… Read more »