Tag: The Exchanged Life

Exodus Message #19 Ed Miller January 20, 2021

Passover Introduction – Perfect Lamb Slain – Blood Applied Last week we were talking about the Passover lamb, and when He sees the blood He’ll pass over, and I made a point about passing over is more than escaping judgment, and it’s more of a shelter, that when He passed over He hovered on all… Read more »

Exodus Message #18 Ed Milller January 13, 2021

Overview of the Tenth Plague – The Passover (Listen to audio above while reading full transcript below. This transcript is available for download in Word document at: www.biblestudyministriesinc.com) When we come to the study of the word, there is that principle of Bible study that is indispensable, and that is total reliance on God’s Holy… Read more »

Matthew Message #26 Ed Miller

The Miracle Within a Miracle: The Healing of Jairus’ Daughter and the Healing of the Woman with a Hemorrhage Listen to audio above while following along with the full transcript below (transcript is also available for download in Word by clicking on link: www.biblestudyministriesinc.com) Matthew chapters 8 & 9 are the miracle chapters, the redemptive… Read more »

Matthew Message #3 Ed Miller

Joseph & Mary’s place in the history of redemption (Follow along listening to audio above while reading full transcript below…) Let me review the great message of Matthew before we continue our study together.  There are three great movements through the gospel of Matthew which are very easily caught as you read through the gospel… Read more »


Poem by Ed Miller On countless altars I have laid The world, and all concerning me; Unnumbered tear-stained vows were made, Then broken, to my agony! How to resign?  Be His at last? Abandon self? I did not know! ‘Twas not the world that held me fast! Surrender was my greatest foe! Was faith to… Read more »

Parable of the Sower Ed Miller

(More aptly named “The Parable of the Soil”) General observations As you know, the message of Matthew and the life of the Lord Jesus was a life of rejection.  All the way through, especially through His three and a half year ministry He was being increasingly rejected.  As you go through the book of Matthew,… Read more »

Matthew Message #28 Ed Miller

Chapter 10: The Harvest is Plentiful But the Workers Are Few How chapter 10 relates to chapters 8 & 9 Principle #1: Very often the ones who pray for laborers become the laborers Matthew 9:37-38 “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Therefore, beseech the Lord of… Read more »

Exodus Message #14 Ed Miller, Nov. 4, 2020

Exemptions, Moraine and Boils Listen to audio and follow along below with the full transcript… Let me share this passage from Psalm 119:133, “Establish my footsteps in Your word.”  It doesn’t say to establish my brain in your word, or my mind.  God is not that concerned that we correct on stating all of our… Read more »

Matthew Message #23 Ed Miller

The Gadarene Demoniac Read along below in the full transcript, as you listen to the audio… By way of review let me give you what I consider to be the very key in understanding the miracles of the Lord Jesus.  It can be summarized in these words; all the miracles of Christ are redemptive miracles. … Read more »