Tag: The Exchanged Life

Matthew Message #51

What is Childlikeness? TRANSCRIPT: The spiritual are those who are seeing the glory of the Lord, and trusting in Jesus, and knowing Him as all-sufficient.  Of course that’s the essence of spirituality!  That cuts across the grain, doesn’t it, of all that’s cold and lifeless and religious, all that would substitute activity for real life. … Read more »

Matthew Message #50 Ed Miller

The Coin Lodged in the Fish’s Gill – The Lord’s Omni-attributes Transcript of Matthew Message #50… Matthew 17:24-27; let me try to get this whole section in perspective for you, and then we’ll try to continue where we left off in our study last time.  We’re studying chapter 16:21-chapter 25, the third great section in… Read more »

Matthew Message #49 Ed Miller

Fasting and Praying TRANSCRIPT OF MATTHEW #49…. We’ve come to the third great section of Matthew’s gospel, Matt. 16:21 through chapter 25.  We call that section ”The nature of the kingdom”.  The whole book is about the kingdom of heaven.  To put it into simple words, it’s a spiritual kingdom.  God’s kingdom is a kingdom… Read more »

Matthew Message #48 Ed Miller

The Transfiguration; Chapter 16:21-17:12 I can’t spend a whole lot of time on review because 47 lessons have gone before, so it would be very unprofitable to spend all our time reviewing 47 lessons.  One thing that is good about having Bible study tapes is that those who would like to catch up certainly can… Read more »

When Was Jacob Blessed?

Ed Miller at Family Ministries Picnic at Al & Yvonne Matthew’s Home July 25, 2020

Matthew Message #43

The Lord Tests His Disciples (That’s Us) Full Transcript of Matthew Message #43: Chapter 5 through 16:20 is the heart of the gospel of Matthew.  Here’s a simple division that we’ve been following.  In chapter 5-7 the Lord Jesus says something.  You recognize that as the Sermon on the Mount.  He says something.  And then… Read more »

Matthew Message #44

The Feeding of the Five Thousand and Peter Walking on Water – The Miracle Side of the Christian Life is for Everyone Full Transcript of Matthew #44: Let me remind you that we’re presently discussing Matthew 14:13 through 16:20.  For those of you who were here last time, you saw that we tried to look… Read more »

Matthew Message #42

Beheading of John the Baptist/ The Conscience Transcript of Matthew Message #42…. Matthew chapter 5 – 16:20 forms a great section of the book of Matthew.  The Holy Spirit presents, not only this, but the whole book of Matthew in a very logical way.  In this section he gives us the life and ministry of… Read more »

Matthew Message #41 Ed Miller

The parable of the hidden treasure, the parable of the pearl of great price, the parable of the dragnet and the parable of the head of the household. COMPLETE TRANSCRIPT OF MATTHEW #41…. Let me set the boundaries of what we were talking about last time and then pick up from there, where we left… Read more »